Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya gelar Forum Kajian Pembangunan

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya menggelar acara forum kajian pembangunan bertempat di Aula Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya(30/5/2024). Acara ini merupakan acara yang digelar oleh jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan sebagai acara yang rutin dilakukan oleh jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan.

Forum kajian pembangunan ini dihadiri langsung oleh Wakil Dekan Bidang akademik yaitu Prof. H. Isnurhadi.,SE.,MBA.,Ph.D dan di hadiri oleh dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya yang berjumlah 20 orang dan dihadiri juga oleh mahasiswa dari jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan, Akuntansi dan manajemen yang berjumlah 108 orang.

Acara ini juga menghadirkan berbagai narasumber yaitu: Vinny Dwi Melliny.,SE.,M.I.S, Iisnawati.,SE.,M.Si, vivi Usmayanti.,SE.,M.Sc.

Dalam sambutanya Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik Prof. H. Isnurhadi.,SE.,MBA.,Ph.D mengatakan bahwa

Digital transformation is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives—from communication, work, and education to business operations and governance. It offers unparalleled opportunities to innovate, enhance efficiencies, and create new value. However, these opportunities come with significant challenges, especially in ensuring that the benefits of digitalization are shared equitably.

Inclusive growth is fundamental to a just and prosperous society. It requires addressing the digital divide, ensuring that everyone in our communities has access to digital tools and the necessary skills to use them effectively. It means fostering an environment where technological advancements help reduce inequalities rather than exacerbate them.

This forum unites a diverse group of experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and academics to discuss and deliberate on these crucial issues. Your insights and experiences are invaluable as we explore how digital transformation can be leveraged to drive inclusive growth. Through collaborative dialogue and innovative thinking, we can develop strategies that embrace technological change and ensure its benefits are widely shared.

On behalf of the Dean and the entire institution, I extend our deepest gratitude to all our speakers, panelists, and participants. Your presence today highlights our collective commitment to building a future where technology acts as a catalyst for inclusive development.

Special thanks also go to the organizing committee for their tireless efforts in arranging this remarkable event. Your dedication is evident in every detail, and we are truly grateful for your contribution.In conclusion, let us approach today’s discussions with an open mind and a collaborative spirit. Let us challenge ourselves to think beyond the conventional and envision a future where digital transformation leads to a more inclusive and equitable world.(Humas_Si)